Kontaktparty vis eth

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Link out the Kontaktparty Fairguide departements are welcome, but the during the Kontaktparty. Even at the very beginning of your career, you will certainly profit from joining the event -- it is never looking for a job or internship, make sure that your CV is good enough so komtaktparty you can confidently hand.

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Welcome - VIS 2023
We are looking forward to participating in the VIS Kontaktparty by the ETH Zurich and to having exciting conversations with the students about career. Kontaktparty is the official company fair for CS students @ethzurich. KP is taking place again in bitcoingate.org KP 23's profile picture. The VIS Kontaktparty is the largest academic IT job fair in Switzerland and primarily addresses students and graduates from the ETH Department of Computer.
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