Largest bitcoin trade

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September � $1 billion (94, BTC). The five wealthiest bitcoin addresses own more than BTC. Microstrategy owns BTC, and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust owns BTC. February � $ million (48, BTC).
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The first couple of years after the release of Bitcoin were quite turbulent, with many exchanges tumbling under legislative pressure. Statistics Cryptocurrencies: challenges faced by payment companies Cryptocurrency: Distribution of users , by region Number of daily Monero transactions globally Share of exploration and appraisal global oil and gas transactions by region Digital transaction management barriers worldwide Individuals attitudes towards invoice payments in Germany Leading payment methods globally Cash withdrawal share in foreign transactions of Russians in , by country Art market - transactions worldwide Number of cryptocurrency projects by industry Ownership expectation of cryptocurrency in Poland Biggest merchant acquirers in the U. Regardless of the model used, there is a strict upper limit on the number of bitcoin that will ever exist. This places the total supply of bitcoin closer to 17 million rather than 21 million. Within hours, the transaction was spotted, the bug was fixed, and the blockchain was forked by miners using an updated version of the bitcoin protocol.