What is an unhosted crypto wallet

what is an unhosted crypto wallet

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What is a Cryptocurrency Wallet? (3 Types + Key Examples)
In their Interpretive Letter #, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) defines an unhosted wallet as "one where an individual owner of a. Regtank | Redefining Compliance with Cutting-edge AML KYC Solution. �An unhosted, or �non-custodial,� wallet, is one where an individual user controls its private keys, rather than an exchange or trading platform.
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An example of this type of wallet is the Monetum Wallet. A hosted wallet, also known as a custodial wallet, is a type of cryptocurrency wallet where the private keys of the wallet are managed by a third-party service provider, rather than being controlled directly by the wallet owner. The wallet acts as a bridge between the user and the blockchain.